Secret Angels
Artwork by An Marke |
In the passing of a beloved soul, we experience a profound shift in our perception of their existence. They slip from visible form into an invisible presence, leaving behind only memories of their physical image and earthly presence. It is this alteration of form that veils our ability to see them, yet it does not mean they are absent or distant. No, they are still alongside us, eternally transformed into a new state of being. We may long for their return, for the chance to hold them once again or share moments of laughter and love. But the journey they have embarked upon is irreversible. They cannot re-enter their old form, even for a fleeting moment, to linger in our lives. However, within their transfigured state, they remain ever-present, ever-caring, and ever-protective. As grief for their physical departure takes hold of our hearts, we find solace in allowing our souls to refine and open to a new understanding of their continued existence. It is through this process that we begin to sense their gentle and loving nearness. Their presence is not limited to the boundaries of time and space. In an eternal realm, their compassion, understanding, and love take on a divine depth. We may be unaware of the immense assistance and support they've provided throughout our lives until we ourselves enter the eternal world. In that sacred moment, when we behold our earthly journey in full view, we shall be surprised. We shall discover how our departed loved ones have been silently guiding and sheltering the unfolding of our destiny. Their subtle influence has shaped our path, their love has nourished our soul, and their support has lifted us during moments both joyous and sorrowful. In their transfigured presence, they become secret angels, offering us unwavering guidance and tender care. And as we come to realize the magnitude of their divine presence in our lives, the healing of grief begins. Our hearts open wider, our souls awaken to the love that transcends the boundaries of life and death. Remember, dear friend, they may no longer be visible to our mortal eyes, but their essence endures. They are not absent, nor are they distant. They are always here, in intimate connection with our souls. And in the sacred stillness of our hearts, we can feel their never-ending love, their gentle whispers, and their everlasting presence. May we find peace in knowing that their eternal form grants them the ability to exist alongside us, guiding, supporting, and forever sheltering the unfolding of our destiny. I Love You, An |