Never Let Their Tame Dim Your Wild

 Within the depths of your wildness lies the sacred terrain where the untamed soul dances, reminding you to never let the tamed world quench the fiery spirit that makes you uniquely and beautifully alive.

'The Wild' by An Marke

In the depths of our souls, we yearn for freedom and expansiveness, longing for the untamed wilderness that exists within us. But, too often, we find ourselves conforming to the expectations and standards set by society. We feel pressured to fit into a neat box, to be tamed and controlled.

But, dear Soul, never let their tame dim your wild.

"For within your wildness lies the essence of who you truly are. It is in the untamed parts of your being that your authenticity and uniqueness flourish. It is where your creativity sparks and your passion ignites. It is where your spirit dances and your heart soars."

When the world tries to impose its limitations upon you, with its rules and regulations, never let their tame dim your wild. Stand firm in your truth and hold onto the fierce independence that resides deep within you. Embrace your wild nature and let it guide you towards the path that is meant for you, not the one that others deem appropriate.

You are not meant to be a carbon copy of someone else's expectations. You are a wild and wondrous creature, with a spirit that cannot be contained. Embrace the uncharted territories of your soul, for it is there that you will discover the true depths of your potential.

Don't be afraid to challenge the status quo, to question the norms, and to follow the whispers of your wild heart. It may be uncomfortable at times, as the world tries to tame your spirit, but remember that true fulfillment lies in living life on your own terms.

Let your wildness be a beacon of inspiration, reminding others that they too possess the power to break free from the constraints that society imposes. Encourage those around you to embrace their own untamed nature, to step into their unique brilliance, and to never let external forces dim their wild.

Protect the wildness that lies within you, guard it with precious care. Nurture your wildness, feed it with curiosity and wonder, and watch as it yields a life filled with purpose, joy, and boundless freedom.

So, dear Soul, as you navigate this journey called life, never forget that you are meant to be wild, untamed, and free. Embrace your wildness, for it is where your true beauty and power reside. And never, ever let their tame dim your wild.

I Love You, An ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜❤️

#untamedspirit #staywild #wilderness #wildernesswithin #wildspirit #embracewild #wildsisterhood #wildwoman #wildhuman #humanity #betrue #staytrue

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